Welcome to Deviruchi Club

Bringing back
the good old
Pre-Renewal experience.

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Enjoy the Pre-Renewal experience again! join Deviruchi Club. A place where through some quality of life improvements, we've modernized the Pre-Renewal game, to bring it back to you!

Our selection of features, rates and episodes make Deviruchi Club a place where you can enjoy all the game content for reborn and expanded, in its Pre-Renewal version.


- Max Level/Job : 99/70
- Max Status : 99 Base
- Rates : 8/8/10
- Drops Normal Cards : 0.10%
- Drops Mini Boss Items : 10x
- Drops MvP Items : 5x
- Drops MvP/Mini Boss Cards : 0.01%


- Instant Cast : DEX 150
- Max ASPD : 190
- Custom NPCs : Warper, Job Changer, Platinum Skills, Healer, Reset and Stylist.
- Custom Commands : @autoloot, @autotrade, @duel, @noks, @time, @whosell, @mobinfo, @whereis, @whodrops and other info commands...


- Gospel : Buffs are dispelled upon relog.
- Homunculus : @autoloot command is disabled for homunculus kills, but @arealoot is enabled.
- Moscovia Dungeon : F1 fixed respawns dissolved

Deviruchi Club brings back the Pre Renewal experience with only a few life-quality custom features.

Download the Game :

Click any of the links below to dowload our full client.
Mediafire Mega Google Drive